Below you will find current information
regarding COVID-19 for each facility.


Alamo Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

As of March 28, 2025, the facility has (0) active cases of COVID-19 among staff. There are currently (0) active cases of COVID-19 among residents. 


Bells Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

As of March 28, 2025 the facility currently has (0) active cases of COVID-19 among staff. There are currently (0) active cases among residents. 


Dyer Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

As of March 28, 2025  the facility has (0) active cases of COVID-19 among staff. There are currently (1) active cases among residents. 


Visitation is allowed for residents at Alamo, Bells, and Dyer Nursing and Rehabilitation Centers. Visits are no longer required to be scheduled.

Visitors will still be required to adhere to infection prevention and control practices while visiting.

Masks will be required when there is a COVID-19 outbreak within the facility and are recommended for individuals who: a.) have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 or other respiratory infection (e.g., those with a runny nose, cough, sneeze); or b.) those who have had close contact (residents and visitors) or a higher-risk exposure (healthcare personnel) with someone with COVID-19. Source control (or masking) should be utilized for 10 days after your exposure.

Should you have any questions regarding visitation, please feel free to contact the facility. Our facilities will continue to follow CDC and CMS guidelines regarding COVID-19.

We sincerely appreciate the support of our families and community and want to assure you we are available to answer your questions and listen to your concerns.


Harber Laman Management
Alamo Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Bells Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Dyer Nursing and Rehabilitation Center